Chargeback Webhooks

Astra sends webhooks whenever a Chargeback is created or its status is updated.


Chargeback information is available on the transfer object via the GET Transfer API call.

Chargeback Created

Fired when the Chargeback is created.

ParameterData TypeDescription
webhook_idstringThe unique ID of the webhook event
user_idstringThe unique ID of the User
resource_idstringThe unique ID of the Resource (Chargeback ID)
resource_parent_idstringThe unique ID of the Resource's parent (Transfer ID)


  "webhook_type": "chargeback_created",
  "webhook_id": "364f57aa-47dd-461b-8df4-d6388fb2d05e",
  "user_id": "WV9Zwexqw7Tqk8nox5dBSe993dEBqGulDlnNA",
  "resource_id": "C999999V1234567890",
  "resource_parent_id": "0239decedaaa5cefa4d173ee839ca37599165219"

Chargeback Updated

Fired when the status of a Chargeback has changed.

ParameterData TypeDescription
webhook_idstringThe unique ID of the webhook event
user_idstringThe unique ID of the User
resource_idstringThe unique ID of the Resource (Chargeback ID)
resource_parent_idstringThe unique ID of the Resource's parent (Transfer ID)


  "webhook_type": "chargeback_updated",
  "webhook_id": "364f57aa-47dd-461b-8df4-d6388fb2d05e",
  "user_id": "WV9Zwexqw7Tqk8nox5dBSe993dEBqGulDlnNA",
  "resource_id": "C999999V1234567890",
  "resource_parent_id": "0239decedaaa5cefa4d173ee839ca37599165219"

Chargeback Dispute Statuses

Dispute StatusDescription
Not DisputedThe chargeback has not yet been disputed by Astra.
OpenThe chargeback is currently being disputed by Astra.
WonThe chargeback dispute has been won by Astra.
LostThe chargeback dispute has been lost by Astra.

Chargeback Statuses



The contents of the table below correspond to the action_status from the Transfer response object. The action_status , which describes the status of a chargeback, is a legacy field that we recommend not be used for determining the status of a chargeback.

Chargeback StatusDescription
Open - Merchant debitedThe customer has filed a chargeback with their financial institution. Merchant has been debited the amount listed in the chargeback.
Adjustment - merchant debitedAn adjustment has been made to the chargeback. Additional funds have been debited from the merchant.
Adjustment - merchant paidAn adjustment has been made to the chargeback. Funds have been credited to the merchant.
Documentation receivedMerchant has submitted documentation to dispute the chargeback.
Representment - Merchant PaidThe chargeback dispute has been ruled in favor of the merchant by the issuing bank. Funds are represented (paid back) to the merchant.
ClosedThe final status for most chargeback cases. At this point the merchant has either been debited or credited the disputed amount.
Closed - 2nd Chargeback - Merchant DebitedA second chargeback has been filed for the same transfer, and the merchant is debited again.