
Welcome to the Astra API! You can use our platform to process interbank transfers, create automated routines, or manage virtual bank accounts for your users.

Our API is organized around the REST framework. It accepts and returns JSON-encoded messages and uses standard HTTP response codes.

All API requests include a request-id in the header of the response. We strongly recommend logging and/or storing all Request-Ids as they can be used to query the details of specific API calls. Please include Request-Ids in all Sandbox integration related questions, as this will enable us to quickly investigate and provide you with answers.

You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.

Feel free to submit any questions about Astra's developer program to [email protected].


This documentation shows calls to the Astra sandbox API, The URL for the production environment is

Below are the URLs to the Astra Developer Dashboard:

Production Developer Dashboard URL:

Sandbox Developer Dashboard URL: