
A Transfer is a simple, universal description of the routing of funds between Accounts.

Transfers abstract the complexity of this routing, and may contain one or more children elements that compose the full path between accounts. Transfers are the result of a triggered and successfully processed Routine.

The Transfer Object

ParameterData TypeOptionalDescription
idstringThe unique ID of the Transfer
routine_typestringThe type of parent Routine (one-time, percentage-based, percentage-balance, recurring, refill, round-up, sweep, fifty-two-week)
routine_namestringThe name given for the parent Routine
routine_idstringThe unique ID for the parent Routine
source_idstringThe ID of the Source Account
destination_idstringThe ID of the Destination Account
destination_user_idstringTrueThe User ID of the Destination User
amountfloatThe amount of the Transfer
client_correlation_idstringTrueAn optional correlation id that will be added to ACH or Debit Addenda. This will also be included in the Transfer response.
payment_typestringTrueThe type of payment (ach, debit, ledger). If the payment route contains a mix of payment types, then this field will not be returned.
processorstringThe processor of the payment
initiateddateThe date the Transfer started processing
updateddateTrueThe date the Transfer status was last updated
estimated_clearing_datedateTrueThe date the Transfer is estimated to clear to the destination account (at the time it is initiated).
failure_reasonstringThe reason that transfer was not successful
statusstringThe status of the Transfer (pending, cancelled, processed, failed)


Note that processed means that the transfer has completed and the funds have cleared and settled in the destination account.


Note that a parameter that does not have a value set will not be returned. For example, client_correlation_id and estimated_clearing_date (but not limited to these two examples) may not have values set depending on the payment route, and will not be returned in the Transfer object in this case.