
You can place the bearer access_token for a specific user into the Authentication section of this documentation πŸ‘‰.

This endpoint handles the upload of a government-issued ID for users who have the document status and must upload additional documentation to verify their identity. There are three types of acceptable documents: license, ID card, or passport. There are three types of acceptable document extensions: jpg, jpeg, or png. The document must be in color.


After you receive the file upload URL, you should submit the file to the URL: curl -X PUT --header "Content-Type:application/octet-stream" --data-binary @your_file_name.jpg "your_upload_url"


For the Business Verification flow, a Business may also be placed into a document status. For Business types, we allow .pdf extensions for document uploads. In this scenario the document_type needs to be set to other.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!